Thursday, September 8, 2011


Yes, Yes, I am posting again already!
Right now I am deciding that I am going to be DRIVEN and I am going to be DEDICATED and I AM going to be on Broadway. I just watched the sneak preview video for the stage production of "Newsies" at the Papermill Playhouse in New Jersey and I genuinley got depressed. I am sad that I missed out. The show is PERFECT for me! It is the type of athletic dancing that I pick up so easy and it just screams BIG BREAK for me. But too bad it's been cast. And too bad I am here in little ol' Utah. So, that being said...I can't miss anymore opportunities. I need to get my degree, get my training, get experience and DO IT!! I want to take dance classes, and practice voice for hours everyday, and be able to take any scene and act the crap out of it. I WANT TO BE THE BEST, and I will be. Just you wait.
Tonight I had a good talk with a good friend and it really just reassured me that I am moving in the right direction. I AM who I want to be. I AM going to do what I want to do. I have so much passion for what I do. I have such a fire in me that I just need to be doing this!
When I am rehearsing, I just want to give it my all and just keep doing it till I am perfect. I love that feeling of getting something right. I LOVE TO SWEAT! I love when things click and when you find the perfect gestures for a scene. I love when I feel like I am part of something and contributing. I love feeling important. I love being an actor. I love being a singer. I LOVE being a dancer and a performer.
At this point in my life I have realized that 9 out of 10 times, I am gonna be in the ensemble. However, I really am O.K. with that. Because I love being able to dance. I love being able to perform in a way that the leading man doesnt get to. Granted there are still numerous roles I WILL play. BUT for where my Career is concerned. I LOVE THE ENSEMBLE!
I LOVE WHAT I DO!!!!! I CAN'T EVEN EXPRESS MY LOVE FOR PERFORMING! I really just want to do it ALL of the time. (sorry for the incessant babbling, if you are still reading, I am quite proud. I don't post for other people reading enjoyment, I post to don't feel pressure to continue if you are bored) Every second I do more theatre, I love it more. Rehearsing tonight at Hale doing "Get Me to the Church On Time" I really just felt so awesome. I felt like as a group we bonded and we played and we learned this awesome number that will just kick down the house, thanks to the incredibly talented Jenny Barlow. (also forgive my spelling and grammar....when I write these I type super fast and don't really care about how it looks or sounds, I don't really want to take the time to think about it...I am just speakin) Well, I have lots more to say....and I am sure I will post another babbling blog soon....but as for now..Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh!!! I just love you, and this post! You are a broadway star :) I love how sure you are, its great.
